I know young kids can sometimes put a damper on things, because they just play and ask questions ALL the time . . . but it was very cute and heartwarming to see these young adults, Samantha and Ashley's college friends, interacting with our kids. They actually paid attention to what the boys were asking/saying and even had them help with the outdoor games they were playing. They boys thought it was pretty cool!
Nathan is so very conscience of pop tabs now, he was going around the party like a little homeless person asking for money . . . but he wanted your pop tab, if you were done with your drink or not! :o)
Ashley's (Jenny's youngest daughter) birthday is Wednesday . . . I made this card for her. I got
We're going to the Royals game today . . . and of course as fate would have it, I'm starting to come down with a summer cold! ARGH! I'm somewhat, losing my voice . . . so Terry and the boys are just loving this! :o)
Before leaving for the party yesterday, Patrick and Nathan wanted to get out their bubbles. Seeing a bunch of bubbles everywhere still reminds me of watching Lawrence Welk . . . I'm dating myself, aren't I?! You remember when blowing a big bubble made you THIS happy?! :o)
I hope you have a wonderful day . . . thanks for stopping by my craft room!